Safety And Security Practices For School Campuses By Praesidium Security Inc.

With the rise of several concerning issues such as school shootings, theft, abuse, and other unlawful activities, the school administrators and management team are constantly under pressure to create a safe campus environment. Every school and other educational institute wants to provide a safe and secure environment to their students, staff, parents, and other people working there. Therefore, school security has become a significant area of interest among school boards and municipalities. Thus, every educational institution must put consistent efforts into implementing better-improvised safety policies, procedures, and technologies for getting the highest level of protection. 

If you are also worried about your school safety and security, then continue reading this post to know about the safety and security practices every educational institute must follow to safeguard their campuses from any potential threats.  

school safety and security

  • Facilities and Equipment

The first important element of security is restricting access. The authority team should evaluate the points of access to school grounds, gates, etc. Thus, putting fences and other barrier parameters will help in proper monitoring of school premises. Moreover, the school's authority team should analyze and remove the potential hiding spots for the intruders, such as large, untrimmed bushes. Schools should also install proper lighting and camera system on campus to ensure no illegal activity occurs. To make the classrooms and other school official areas more secure, schools should install heavy-duty doors using glass and wire mesh at any entry or exit points of school premises. Moreover, installing advanced lock systems in all the classroom areas that can be activated automatically further enhance the school security system. This feature will help the school personnel to stop suspicious visitors from entering a building. In addition to locking doors, schools should also install closed-circuit cameras inside and outside the building. The closed-circuit cameras give real-time information and valuable evidence of the crime incident. Also, having an intercom system helps to connect the classrooms with the central school office. Two-way radios can also be used to communicate throughout the school at the time of any crisis. 

  • Personnel And Training 

Before hiring any school employee, a proper background check should be conducted to ensure any criminal history, substance abuse issues, and employment experience. Furthermore, hiring a trained safety officer will help in developing and carrying out an emergency response plan efficiently. This safety officer will also coordinate all the security-related activities for the school, such as performing drills or keeping the staff updated on new security processes. Training the school staff is another important aspect of school security. The school management team should actively participate in the safety plans and training procedures to train the staff for emergencies. Schools should plan a standard procedure for keeping the count of the visitors. Temporary visitor badges and proper check should be done

to keep a check on miscreants. It will help school administrators identify the visitors and alert the school if any contingency happens.

  • Communication Improvement

Communication is important at the time of emergencies. So, schools should create a responsible committee of staff members who can develop a better communication plan. There should be a plan for establishing the procedure for the emergency exit of the students and the staff at the time of crisis. This committee is also responsible for two-way communication between the students and the higher authority of the school. Communicating at the time of emergencies helps get up-to-date information and helps determine the appropriate steps that the school should take to solve the problem.

Cost-Effective Physical Security Solutions

For better school security services, there should be well-installed state-of-the-art access control and alerting systems and technologies. Moreover, schools can connect with the professional security company for cost-effective safety solutions within their budget. If you are looking for such professionals who can contribute towards the security measures for school and educational campuses, contact Praesidium Security Inc. now. Praesidium Security is a professional company that helps schools and other educational institutes with extensive and integrated security systems. They are helping schools with the easy installation of user-friendly security cameras that can handle bulk programming easily and saves time.


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